Wednesday 12 October 2011

Lecture 2: What is Postmodernism?

Does Postmodernism exist? Whis is it? Look again at what Modernism is. Form Follows Function.
-La Corbusier- Villa, 1928-9.

La Corbusier

Associated with
The Postmodern condition-
-Disillusionment....with the idea of absolute Knowledge.

Jean Tinguely. 'Homage to New York' 1960- Musuem of modern art

Homage To New York
Origins of Postmodernism
1917 German writer Rudolf Panniwitz

1960- Beginnings
70s  -  Established as term (Jencks)
80s  -  Recognizable Style
90s -  Dominant theoretical discourse. TIRED AND SIMMERING.

Postmodernism- After Modernism. The historical era following the moderrn- CONTRAMODERNISM-  'Late Capitalism' (Jamison). Artistic and stylistic. Global Village. 
The Language of Postmodernism Architecture (1977) 

CHARLES JENCKS declared that on the 5th July 1972 at approximately 3:32pm that MODERNISM HAD DIED.

Postmodernism was a 'Reaction to the Rules. ROBERT VENTURI learning from Las Vegas
1972- Mies Van Der Rohe and Philip Johnson. New York 1957.

Park Hill Flats SHEFFIELD 

1960- Proposed regeneration Urban Splash
Frank Gehry Museum Bilbeo 1966
James Stirling- Stuttgarb Germany. 1977- 1983

Modernism movement (Dominant post war) Postmodernism Aesthetics- Roy Lichtenstein. 'This Must be the Place'
JF LYOTARD the postmodern condition 1970- Totalising Belief System.
Ouintan Terry (1992-3) The Robinson Library

Postmodernism Dyslopia- Akira Anime.

Robert Venturi "Complexity and Contradiction in Modern Architecture" 1962 (Published in 1966)

"i like elements which are hybrid rather than 'pure', compromising rather than 'clean', distorted rather than 'straight forward', ambiguous rather than 'articulated', preserve as well as impersonal..."


'Generaaly postmodern artists like to mix the highbrow and the populist, the alienation and the accessible, and to 'sample' elements from diffrent styles and eras"


Roy Lichtenstein RED PAINTING

high art/ low art DIVIDE beggining to CRUMBLE. LV POSTMODERNISM CITY? Robert Venturu


A vague term Postmodern attitude of questioning conventions. AESTHETIC- multiple of style- RICHARD HAMILTON. Shift in through and theory invest. 

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