Monday 24 October 2011

Revolution Design In Russia- Richard Miles

Russian October revolution 1917 - Revolution street workers The Bolshevik

Leader - Lenin, Workers take the country OCTOBER (The ten days that shook the world)
1927 Director : Sergei Eidenstein

1917 - 1921 Russian Civil War- A film was made on a Left radical persepective- PROPAGANDA!
Post Revolution Society.

B Kustodiev "The Bolshevik' 1920 Painting

The flag in this painting represents the blood of the workers who died to free Russia. it also is a symbol of the Revolutions Left Movement "BOLSHEVISM"

1917 mid 1920s Intense artist experimentation new society, new rules and new order
the plan was to invent a new style of art to suit the new russia. Russia was at the time a third world country and workers controlled the new country.


Lenin encouraged modernist art- They had a deep interest in Picasso's work 'Factory'. This was the time when art work would have workers in it instead of Kings and Queens. A new Modern society was being born.
MALEVICH and Suprematism-  "...was an art movement focused on fundamental geometric forms (in particular the square and circle) which formed in Russia in 1915-1916. It was not until later that suprematism received conventional museum preparations. It was founded by Kasimir Malevich..."
WIKIPEDIA- Suprematism

Late 1920s onward Socialist Russia : sOCIALIST rEALISM radical Period
10 years after Revolution El Lissitzky " Beat the Whites with the Red Wedge"

Symbolizing the revolution. Image designed to communicate through image not text
WHITE symbolizes ZC/ P forces.
Radical experimentation with art and design.

Poster by Rodchenko "Books" 

A lot of people where illiterate in Russia, when i say a lot I mean pretty much the whole population. Not only did this poster spread a message through image but it also encouraged the mass to learn how to read. Woman in the Poster. Makes more woman interested, rules out the conventional man and wife role. Again rd is used in this poster and THE Triangle which symbolizes the Russian army formation. Education was a new way of getting rid of the old regime. 
WOMAN- is photography! Modern! Looking forward into photography . Photography represents the world in a 'truer' way.

Art Designers- The Constructivists- CONSTRUCTING THE NEW WORLD.

Tatlin's model made to be bigger and better than the Eiffel Tower

This was never made as it cost way too much!
The Constructavists aim - Achieving the communistic expression of material structures .


"it is time ti move from designing clothing ti designing stucture of fabric. This will allow the textile industry to jettison its present excessive variety, and help it standardize and improve, at long last, the quality of its production"

Aranovich D 1929

1925 Paris expositions USSR pavilion by Melnikov
Countries building ti show the world their culture.
Melnikov designed this to show off to the world.

VKnUTEMAS- progressive art school. Prospectus cover by El Lissilzky.
STEPANOVA- Constructavist 

Buliding Moscow Metro- we shall compete the plan of great work.

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